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Planning to Go to Spain? Here’s How to Prepare

Planning to Go to Spain? Here’s How to Prepare

If you are planning a move to Spain, or an extended trip, there are several things to consider. Spain is a large and diverse country, full of fascinating history and traditions. It also has lots of different languages and dialects. Where is it that you want to go? Consider climate, size of the city and the local culture of the region. There are so many cities, villages and seaside towns to choose from before you make your decision. 

Next you should consider learning some Spanish before you set off, as this will make it far easier for you to make important appointments, for instance for visa, bank, or health related concerns, as well as allow you to speak to the locals and read menus. An online Spanish language tutor is the ideal learning method for busy individuals who want to learn at home, in their own time, with a personalized learning plan to suit their needs and goals.

Finally, dive into the Spanish culture by listening to music, reading books and watching TV series and movies set in Spain and even in Spanish, for a full and deep dive into the language, customs, traditions, history and cultures of various times and regions of Spain. This will prepare you for your move and give you a great insight into the country.

Lonja de Seda Valencia Silk Exchange

Choose Your Location

Before you can start planning your big move to Spain, you will need to consider your main location priorities. If it is very important for you to be near a beach and a warm climate, the coastline from Valencia in the East, right round to Cadiz in the South of Spain is probably your best bet. While there are also beaches in the North, near Barcelona, or up in Asturias and Galicia. You will generally find cooler temperatures and more rainfall in the North of Spain. In Summer this is a good thing. The south can have extreme temperatures in July and August.

Whereas, if you love to ski, hike, paddleboard in lakes, and have snow-capped mountain views, the North of Spain has a world of beauty and nature to offer you. The dramatic landscapes and lush forests of the Northern Coast of Spain appeal to the adventurous and sporty travellers. 

If your ideal new home is in a city, you should consider the size of the city, the history, and the language and dialects associated with it. Spain is a diverse country and is home to several languages and dialects. For instance, in Barcelona, the main language is Catalan, in Bilbao, the Basque language is used, and in Madrid, Castellano, which is the official name of the Spanish language, is the main language spoken. 

Malaga City in Spain

Spanish Cities

For the big city vibes, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, and Málaga all offer excitement, great museums, busy squares, and great restaurants. While Seville, San Sebastian, Toledo, and Córdoba offer a more tranquil experience, especially if visited off-season. These cities have a range of incredible historic buildings and sites, Seville’s royal palace, or Alcázar, and Toledo’s witch museum, which offers a fascinating look into the medieval past of the city.

Remember, Spain is a country steeped in traditions, some of which can be viewed as controversial. These include Pamplona’s famous San Fermin festival, which involves the running of the bulls down a high street, and the ongoing tradition of bullfighting.

Murcia Sardina 2017

Take Language Classes

Regardless of which region of Spain you move to. You will have a much better experience time if you speak Spanish, or at least understand a reasonable level. This will help you make appointments, order food and drinks and travel across Spain. Also you will be able to communicate with locals in the different regions around the country. A brilliant way to learn Spanish is to use an online Spanish tutors service. This way, you can learn at home, at your own pace. Yet with the professional and accredited help of a personal language tutor.

Spanish language lessons are a far better method for learning than using online apps that cannot push you and personalize lessons to you. A real-life Spanish tutor can work with you, one-on-one, to reach your language learning goals.


Dive Into The History

A great way to jump into the culture and explore the traditions, customs, and history of Spain is through delving into the literature. You can read books set in Spain, such as Winter In Madrid, or, if you have the language capacities, read books in Spanish, like the 2001 worldwide bestseller La Sombra Del Viento, set in Barcelona. These books will allow you to submerge yourself into the atmosphere, history, and mood of various times and places across Spain.

Madrid Plaza Mayor

Go to Spain for Spanish Culture

Another easy lifestyle switch is to start listening to Spanish music, while you drive, walk, cook, and relax in the evenings. Surround yourself with the sounds and languages of Spain. You will immerse yourself further into the culture and linguistics of this diverse country. If you are moving to Catalonia, you might want to listen to Catalan pop songs, such as Sense Tu, by Teràpia de Shock. Whereas, if you are moving to the capital city of Madrid, you will find songs in Castellano more helpful. Try listening to Me Reces, by Aron Piper. Incidentally, Aron Piper stars in Spanish TV series Elite, which is a great teen drama for picking up useful phrases.

Watching a popular Spanish TV series, such as La Casa De Papel, is one of the most fun and easy ways to pick up the language and improve listening, while also providing you with a topic of conversation with the locals. You can also watch famous Spanish movies, like Pan’s Labyrinth. While the former will give you some useful colloquial language and allow you to practice listening to modern Madrileño accents (from Madrid), the latter will give you an insight into the turbulent history of Spain’s civil war.

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A traditional Catalan Kitchen

Enjoy Spain!

Now that you have chosen your preferred location in Spain. Taken one-on-one Spanish language lessons from an online tutor, and immersed yourself in the Spanish culture through books, music, and cinema. You are ready to make this life-changing move or an adventurous extended trip abroad. The memories you make, the people you meet, and the history and language you learn will stay with you forever. This is an opportunity for you and so make plans to go to Spain and enjoy your adventure.